Front-end projects
These projects all revolve around HTML, CSS and or front-end JavaScript
As part of a assignment in a webprogramming course, we were tasked to create a window manager environment in clientside javascript. I decided to use vanilla JS. In hindsight it would've probably been easier to use a framework like React or Angular. But hey, I learned a lot about JS.
As such I created an environment that is supposed to look like Windows 98. I found it rather fun to work with the assignment and as such spun it of as a public repository instead.
You can find the entire project on my GitHub. There is also a hosted version on this website, it is one of the navigation bar.
In the future, the project will probably not be named Alva edition (as that sounds like some sort of god complex).
This website
Woah, isn't this meta? This website was made as a project in an old webdesign course. I later reworked it to be a bit more modern and to be more in line with my current skillset. The website uses plain HTML CSS and javascript. No libraries where used.