Hardware stuff

Here most of my hardware related projects or other noteworthy stuff

Arduino Keyboard (Atmega32u4)

I've been working on a custom keyboard for a while now. It's based on the Arduino Leonardo (Atmega32u4) and uses custom made firmware made in arduino code (C++). The case and keycaps are 3D printed. The keyboard was designed to be a gamepad for Jubeat hence the 4x4 matrix. Cherry MX silent reds switches are used. You can find the code on my Github: Arduino-keypad


3D printed majoras mask

While not really a hardware project, I did 3D print a majoras mask. It's a model found on thingiverse. I printed it on my modified Ender 3 Pro. It took about 2 days to print.

I used a 0.4mm nozzle and 0.2mm layer height. The filament is PLA. In hindsight I should've used a 0.6mm nozzle to speed things up.

majoras-mask majoras-mask majoras-mask majoras-mask

Replacing Macbook pro batteries are a pain

I was tasked to replace a Macbook Pro battery. It was a pain to do.

The battery was glued to the case unlike the Macbook Air or any laptop for that matter...

I had to use rubbing alcohol, I then had to pry the battery out with a spudger. Boy, that doest feel safe. I mean what if you tear the battery in the process? That would be a disaster. majoras-mask

Raspberry Pi Zero webserver

In an attempt to run cheap webservers on anything I can find. I decided to try and run a webserver on a Raspberry Pi zero. The Pi zero is a small single board computer that is very cheap. It has a 1GHz single core CPU and 512MB of RAM. Not a lot to work with. But due to the low power requirements and the small form factor it is perfect for small projects such as this website. As such a Apache2 bare metal server is used for hosting this website. HTTP and HTTPS are the only things exposed to the internet.

A custom case was designed and printed for the Pi zero. The case is ziptied to a mobile phone power supply. In the future I'd like something with backup power.
